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New Vessels

BarsFont Awesome Free 5.0.6 by @fontawesome - License - (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License)

Used Vessels


It now appears that international travel will be not likely for the foreseeable future. This creates many issues for fleet operators, buyers and sellers.

It is suggested that all inspections for foreign vessels be carried out by a local independent surveyor. Offers can be placed based on the report, and sale condition would be personal inspection and sea trial. Again, this creates issues and buyers will have to check on local quarantine restrictions for crew and inspectors, allowing a minimum of 2 weeks in quarantine with negative test results prior to being able to inspect. We can assist in the local requirements.
We have contacts for many surveyors globally or you may select your own via online search. The buyer will pay direct to the surveyor any fees associated with the survey inspection.

Deliveries also remain an issue. Options include crew changeover in Singapore for instance, where there remains flight options and viable quarantine and assistance for seafarers.

With the recent arrest of 3 ships in Australian waters for Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) violations and abuse, it is essential for ship owners/ managers to ensure the safety and wellbeing of crew. Although difficult at present, there are always options for crew change. The health and safety of seafarers should always be placed ahead of profits.
We are here to help owners, please feel free to contact us if we can be of any assistance or if you wish for some feedback and options, independently and free of charge. An objective opinion may assist.

JUNE 2020