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New Vessels

BarsFont Awesome Free 5.0.6 by @fontawesome - License - (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License)

Used Vessels

Latest News

Newsletter 9
In my early years as a Marine Painter, Training, Occupational Health and Safety was not on any employer’s priority. We were sent on air fed into holds in vessels airless spray-painting. If the ...
February 2021
It now appears that travel restrictions are here to stay for potentially years as the mutations of the COVID spread globally. Projects and operations can only be stalled for a certain amount of time b...
December 2020
Seafarers globally are the most essential part of our business, just as important as the vessels they work on. The past year has presented unforeseen circumstances that has left many of them stranded ...
November 2020
Many buyers internationally have been left well over budget from buying a vessel overseas.There are many factors for a buyer to consider for shipping. The cost be much more than the purchase price of ...
October 2020
The recent cases of crew arriving in Australia COVID infected on board ships arriving in Australia is of major concern. 25 of the crew on board one vessel have now all returned positive. The crew were...
There has been recently a large increase in requests for “kickbacks” or “Commissions” to be paid directly back to government officials, directors of companies and employees upo...
JULY 2020
There have been many recent inspections on vessels where the vessel has been placed in cold layup with no maintenance. The true condition of the vessel has not been reported correctly to the brokers o...
JUNE 2020
It now appears that international travel will be not likely for the foreseeable future. This creates many issues for fleet operators, buyers and sellers.It is suggested that all inspections for foreig...